Hey, you must have boating gear you no longer use or need? Nearly new lifejackets the kids grew out of? (Or you grew out of? ;-) What about the boat hardware still in the packaging, because you bought the wrong one? (Oh, we’ve all done that.) Still using that canoe? And what about that boat cover you found? Fenders, a spool of rope, an anchor, GPS, the list of extra stuff in the stern locker or basement goes on and on.....
Why not bring all those treasures down to the Work Bee on Saturday, April 25th? The HYC Race Team kids will be there from 8:30 – 11:00 a.m. to receive your goods, price them, tag them and sell them for you. A small portion of the proceeds will go to the HYC Race Teams and the rest goes back to you!
And if you don’t have anything to sell, be sure to check out the sale, score an excellent deal on that thingy you’ve always needed, and support our enthusiastic young sailors!!
The sale will run over the lunchtime break from 12:00 to 1:30 pm. Don’t miss it!!
Questions or want to lets us know what your going to bring down drop us an E-mail at sailing@hudsonyachtclub.com